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Monday, March 14, 2011

so a little on my latest guilty television pleasure...

I would say its safe to assume that little girls across America dream about the day they will put on white, regardless of whether or not its an appropriate color choice,  and take a walk down a certain aisle.  However I’d also say its safe to assume that most of these little girls don’t dream that there is one man and three other women waiting at the other end!

I admit I’m a little late to this party as Season 1 of Sister Wives is over and done with and Season 2 is underway.  I caught up on all 7 episodes from last fall over the weekend and I’m hooked.  The weirdest part is that its not the polygamist craziness that keeps me watching… its the fact that they seem so … well… normal, so to speak anyway.  I'll have to keep on an eye on this... reality television has a way of bringing out the "real" reality even if it takes a couple seasons.

P.S. I’ve just come to the realization that the phrase “Just when you think you’ve seen it all” has become obsolete.  Who, living in the world and times that we do, can honestly think they will ever have “seen it all?”


1 comment:

  1. I love this show! It is too my guilty pleasure hahahahha I dnt think polygamy is right but who am I to say what's right and what's wrong ... I just want to see how its going to unfold now that their in vegas!
