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Monday, January 24, 2011

Packing Memories

I am sitting in the middle of my messy room trying to pack to go back to school.  As usual it is the night before I leave, which means I really have no right to complain about this daunting task.  I also have no right to complain on account of while I sit amongst my empty suitcases and boxes, I've decided it must be the absolute perfect time to start a blog. (it was probably good that I switched my flight from this afternoon to tomorrow)

However, I will say the idea of packing (yes, idea, because I havent technically started yet) feels different this time because I am not just leaving for the semester, but for the entire year, maybe longer. (give or take a visit home once in a while) I am moving into my own apartment, and while this new adventure is incredibly exciting, I can't help but be a little sad and nostalgic.  Instead of packing stuff to get me through the semester, I feel like I am packing memories to get me through the year.

It makes me think of the very first time I left to go to college in Rochester.  Come to think of it, that was a "night before" packing adventure as well.  I can remember the packing list.  Im pretty sure it was sent out by the school to all incoming freshmen.  On it were the must brings, the maybe brings, and the definitely don't brings.  Of course, these were open to interpretation :)

I wish I had that list now.  Over the years obviously it has changed a great deal.  I no longer need to have every purse, item of clothing, and book I own, with me. I've also come to the realization that it really isnt that big of a deal to buy my shampoo, toothpaste, and other such necessities upon arriving at my destination.  Most significantly, all my electronic devices have shifted from the must brings to the maybe brings and of course my Bible has made the exact opposite switch.  If it comes down to forgetting something instead of freaking out, I make a quick mental note to have my parents send it to me in the near future.

I think the most significant difference as I sit around looking at my stuff is the realization that it is indeed just stuff.  I don't need to pack every single belonging in order to keep the memory attached to it.  Not that I don't expect to have an occasional relapse, but in those instances I'll remind myself I'll have better luck weighing my luggage at the airport if I just pack the memories.


1 comment:

  1. That picture is so cute!! And I haven't started packing yet.. 2 days left!! haha. Don't feel sad, be excited for our adventures in the SAME apt building :) :) But I know what you mean, because I get sad and cry every single time I leave home to go back to SF.

    love u!
