P.S. I have to check blog etiquette, I haven’t figured out if its acceptable to talk about blogging in your actual blog. It kind of seems like reality shows that depict the “real lives” of their stars, but never once on camera do these “stars” mention they are appearing on their own television show once a week. It must not be reality etiquette to talk about these things.
Back to things that matter… (not that I wasn’t thrilled at the return of the Real Housewives of New Jersey last night. (It's always refreshing to observe family drama that makes yours seem like small potatoes.) There are worse vices, but I won’t let reality television be the only focus in two out of my seven postings. (Its looking like not talking about blogging in my blog is going to be difficult.) Okay you twisted my arm, but just for kicks and just this once....

An hour or so later I found my way back to being studious :)
Speaking of studious, I can't believe how fast this semester has gone by. I've decided to compile a list of the education I've received these past few months. This is what I learned...
1. the various conventions specific to individual film genres.
2. how to better analyze the lighting in movies.
3. that I tend to be in a better mood when wearing socks.
4. if I don't go to bed when my ears start itching, I won't wake up feeling rested.
5. Donald Trump is running for president.
6. disney really is real life, ie: the peasant married the prince and the bad guy was killed all in one weekend!
7. President Obama really was born in the United States..... really.... and he has a sense of humor to boot, ie:
8. Donald Trump is NOT running for president.
9. Paris Hilton really is just like us... as we will soon see on her very own reality show.
10. I should have enjoyed The Oprah Show while I had the chance.
11. last but not least how to FINALLY use hair rollers. (I think this is the one I am most proud of, as you may be able to tell from my delighted expression below)
All in all, I can't wait to go home in a couple of days and show my parents their money is being well spent and I am learning much more than they probably anticipated.